Joint Divorce; Making things faster, cheaper, and less painful.

At Bergmans Law P.C. we can assist you through the divorce process without a court battle
- if you and your spouse are both comfortable with trying to achieve an amicable divorce.

If you and your spouse can discuss and work things out together, you can get an amicable divorce that is safe, easy, and affordable. Even if you are not in complete agreement, you can start the divorce paperwork and let Attorney Bergmans at Bergmans Law PC help you to produce an agreement that helps you both move on in your lives.

We’ve found that many couples can go through what’s called an Uncontested Divorce where they start the legal paperwork, produce an agreement on the outstanding issues, then process their final documents including their agreement with the court. This “Joint Divorce” is the most inexpensive way to get through the divorce process and offers you and your spouse the chance to end your marriage amicably and with dignity. It’s not right for everybody, but it’s right for many more couples than most people think.

Bergmans Law P.C. will take care of all your legal documents, and if you are not in agreement, will help you resolve your issues either together or by using an alternative dispute resolution referral. This saves you thousands of dollars in the process, as well as providing you with peace of mind. Bergmans Law P.C. will provide you with all the divorce assistance you need so that your process is private, smooth, and timely.

If you seek a divorce the traditional way, you can expect to pay thousands to have attorneys fight your case and run the risk you end up with much less than you originally wanted and a horrible court battle. Don’t take it to court unless there is no other alternative. Call us to find out how to make Michigan’s Divorce Process work for you.

Categories: Divorce Law